Tuesday, August 23, 2011

There's very few things as freeing for me as riding my bike. I would almost like to compare it to skydiving, which I've wanted to do for quite some time now, or maybe even bungee jumping (maybe), but let's be honest here: biking is only an extreme sport in the city. Well that's at least when I thought when I decided to venture through the busy lunch time traffic of long island. The scary part about biking on long island is being on the streets with cars who are unaware that bikers exist. I prefer the insane streets of a city because at least the drivers are more aware... and the riskiness makes riding more fun. I ended up at a golf course I'd been to a few weeks ago watching these guys mow the grass. I wasn't a creeper or anything, but they were just there in their overly bright orange mowers. And since when are there houses around golf courses? I'm sorry, did I say house? I meant mansions. Never quite imagined what it would be like to have a golf course backyard, but I guess some people are into that sort of thing.

Today I also realized how annoying it is to upload photos everyday from my phone. I take pictures almost daily, but again, from my phone. It really is time to pay a visit to the camera store...

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I'm not much of a writer these days, but lately i've gotten lost in my own thoughts. I find myself walking down aimless streets in hopes to catch a glimpse of something fantastic. I examine my current situation, and while there's empty pegs in my life, I can still find solace in my own work. I am now ready to be exposed, stripped of any insecurities I possess. If you had met me 2 months ago you wouldn't know who I was. I guess all I can say is that now I have purpose and motivation again. Sure, I had some sort of direction a few months ago, but I was so empty, creatively speaking. So much has changed....

Onto a lighter note, I have taken an outrageous amount of photos lately. I'm impressed with myself actually. Time to edit. Fun.

Another thing i've realized is that my phone camera is better than my actual camera. Solution: time to update my camera. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

My newest endeavor

When I was in college, one of my studio professors used to tell me about another professor. She used to go on and on about how "prolific" this guy was. And he was. It was around this time that this particular "prolific" professor had a gallery opening and a bunch of us went... and boy was it something. By the amount of works displayed you would've thought that it was from a bunch of people, not just one.

Recently, I remembered this story and professor. Even now it seems impressive that one guy could produce so much in such a small time, but I guess he just made the time. What made me more envious though was his creativity. Looks like he never had any artistic blocks. So thats my newest endeavor: to be prolific. Make as much art as I can. Everyday. My mother's going to hate this...

i like my chips dirty: day quatroooo

another thing you may notice: food trends.
but i think food is cool.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

By the looks of it, I used to travel often...

As of recently, I've begun the job hunt in other countries. This has been interesting thus far, but challenging at the same time. My first challenge: language barriers. My second challenge: finding my passport. Well to my surprise, I not only found my current passport, but I also found 4 more. Seriously. Why do I have 5 passports? Don't they last like 10 years or something. I'm certainly not 50. At least not to my knowledge. Okay, to be fair one of them isn't even from this country... something that shocked even my mother. But back to the matter at hand. Why 5? Did I used to travel THAT MUCH? Did I suffer a case of amnesia and forget all the apparent traveling I did? Apparently so.

dia 3.

With the discovery of my many passports, I may need to put them to use.

I also have a new mission: my quest to be prolific. More about that soon...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

You call this scenic?

Many people can attest to the fact that I've been begging for a change of scenery. Well, these few inches of snow that hit NY last night was not what I had in mind. I guess its another day of pretending I'm going to Ireland and checking out Aer Lingus' website for flight deals. or build a snow man. It really could go either way. 

As much as this 27 and snowy climate thrills me to the bone, I would much rather have the 81 and sunny that is appearing on my desktop, telling me about the weather in a place far more humble than here. In my pursuit for a warmer Long Island, I go back to a picture of myself from last April, eating frozen yogurt. Ask anyone, this is a fact: I enjoy taking pictures of myself eating food. Maybe when it's this warm out again I'll go to the beach...

day dos, amigos

Snow day calls for rolling in the snow with my sketch book. 
Maybe I should rethink that... it could get messy.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Howdy folks!

So while at the gym yesterday I decided to embark on an adventure. But before I tell you all about the awesomeness ahead of me, I'm going to explain a bit first. It dawned on me some time ago that I lost touch with myself after college. I became a machine, a workaholic. Nonsense. I hated myself. I wanted nothing more than to be the 4-year-old version of myself dancing wildly in public and breaking out the occasional coloring book. In a valid attempt to re-discover myself, I decided to start drawing pictures at the gym. No, I'm not some creeper drawing people working out - that's just strange. I mean I never said I wasn't strange, but that's besides the point. 30 days of design has begun. Armed with my trusty camera, Prismacolor markers, and sketch book, I shall begin a complete purge of my creative self.

day uno.

brace yourself: things are about to get interesting.
and there may be a papercut or two along the way...