Thursday, January 13, 2011

By the looks of it, I used to travel often...

As of recently, I've begun the job hunt in other countries. This has been interesting thus far, but challenging at the same time. My first challenge: language barriers. My second challenge: finding my passport. Well to my surprise, I not only found my current passport, but I also found 4 more. Seriously. Why do I have 5 passports? Don't they last like 10 years or something. I'm certainly not 50. At least not to my knowledge. Okay, to be fair one of them isn't even from this country... something that shocked even my mother. But back to the matter at hand. Why 5? Did I used to travel THAT MUCH? Did I suffer a case of amnesia and forget all the apparent traveling I did? Apparently so.

dia 3.

With the discovery of my many passports, I may need to put them to use.

I also have a new mission: my quest to be prolific. More about that soon...

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